CS 1.6 hosting game server ! Management

What to do to host a server. To host a server just need to give order and pay. At HostGame.ro everything is automated, you do not need assistance of a representative, all information can be found on the website www.hostgame.ro. The payment card via SMS, enabling the server host is once payment has been confirmed by mobilpay.ro service.
Web host and host server games with free DDOS and Firewall Protection,
Free SSL certificate, access to Panel and ftp. Sv_downloadurl.
Partner discounts - See details Free domain - See conditions
Automatic activation upon payment by CREDIT CARD.
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 skype.png (3 KB)  whatsap.jpg (2 KB) facebook.jpg  Urmareste HostGame.ro pe instagram                                    www.HostGame.ro - Gazduire web si servere jocuri, Counter-Strike 1.6 (CS 1.6), Counter-Strike Source (CSS), CS Global Offensive(CS-GO), Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2), GTA: San Andreas Multiplayer (SA-MP), MOHAA, minecraft, COD4, CSZ                        

Server host already has a classically functional, ready configured that you can play.
To manage host sftp server and have access to Panel (attention not give anyone information, username and password are the same both Panel and sftp).
Access to SFTP allows you to work directly from computer files dvs.cu server hosted at HostGame.Ro.

From Panel you: stop or restart the server, the server name changes, to remove, or change the RCON password, set the number of slots that can be accessed (fewer, not more than the order and payment) if you possibly can password very important and can access server consoles where you viziualiza and see what errors are server.

Access to SFTP host is done using specialized software that will allow the server to access files hosted on HostGame.Ro and work on them directly from your computer or to transfer (backup) on your computer.
For more detailed information we recommend you read our articles:
Install a DNS server
Changing DNS hostname, hosting game
How do I connect to the server name?
Services DNS servers host free
Use Edit configs. How do I change the server name?
He fell server has lag, restarts. Detection errors on server
Install maps / map on CS 1.6 server
Install addon on server CS 1.6
Installing and compiling plugins CS 1.6
How do I admin a server cs 1.6
Settings amxx.cfg
Recover password server hosting
View, ftp hosting server password recovery
View expiry date service
Populating Server
Hosting on Windows or Linux?

How to increase or decrease the number of slots from the host server

How to host a server
Server Counter-Strike 1.6 CS, L4D2 Left 4 Dead 2, GTA: San Andreas Multiplayer SA-MP or any server can host on your personal computer or host a specialized company.
Currently prices for hosting CS 1.6, the games generally have low that it is not worth to keep a server computer.
The main advantages of a host to a specialized company are:
- The server is operational 24 hours of 24
- Static IP
- High speed Internet connection (not to be confused with the one provided by each user's Internet service provider)
- Regular updates from that game maker
- Protection against flood
and other specific advantages that are mentioned in each host company.

What to do to host a server
To host a server from a host company, eg HostGame.Ro, you must follow several steps:


* Step 1
Purchase server host
-you register, please order and payment

How to order host, how do pay
Payment by SMS - New order
How do I pay by card - Order the new
How do I pay by Bank Wire - New order

* Step 2
Access management
, after the payment you will receive an e-mail with your access Panel and sftp (to check both your inbox and spam as well)

* Step 3
Management host server CS 1.6
-Your host has already received a server already configured functional, classically, which you can play, but every owner wants to customize it and for which access using an SFTP program or erase climb various plugins
What can we do and what we can do on a host server
- It can save server by copying all folder "cstrike" (in SFTP with winSCP or other specialized program)
- You can delete everything in "cstrike" (you can, but do not recommend) and can "climb" what we want on the host, in which case we recommend you to save on your computer at least the file "server.cfg"

HostGame.ro recommend these settings in server.cfg:

- Disable RCON password not to allow specialized programs to get your server. To disable password RCON not complete (or delete the password entered) quotation marks:
rcon_password ""

- To ban IPs that try to put a wrong password 2 times in 10 seconds:
sv_rcon_banpenalty 0
sv_rcon_maxfailures 2
sv_rcon_minfailures 2
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 10

For those who want to personalize your tattoo (spray) 0 sv_allowupload setting has as a side effect and that no player will have custom tattoo on the server and will be default at all (lambada).

HostGame.Ro has anti-flood protection on the server in firewall, but can not protect the server admins who have partial or total access to controls and / or file server.

Do not install plugins or other scripts that give access to RCON, such a plugin is RCON DEFENDER, which has an arch-known password enables any malevolent to access the host server


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  • Streedance 7/31/15, 8:37 am
    Buna ziua , as avea nevoie de ajutorul unui expert, am si eu niste intrebari ... !
    1 Am descarcat tot ce am avut nevoie le-am pus asa cum a trebuit ( asa cred ) , de ce spun asta , mi-am facut serverul ( Zombie Mod ) si ieri am avut problema de protocol ( l-am rezolvat cred ca nu imi mai apare cand vreau sa intru ) am observat ca la alte servere apare mesajul " You playng on Counter-Strike" si acuma merge ( eu pot juca linistit ) dar l-am rugat pe un jucator sa verifice si o spus ca ii arata "ip invalid"
    meta list din consola mea
    [ 1] AMX Mod X RUN - amxmodx_mm.dll v1.8.1.3 ini Start ANY
    [ 2] badf load dproto.dll v - ini - -
    [ 3] Fun RUN - fun_amxx.dll v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
    [ 4] Engine RUN - engine_amxx.dll v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
    [ 5] FakeMeta RUN - fakemeta_amxx.dl v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
    [ 6] CStrike RUN - cstrike_amxx.dll v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
    [ 7] CSX RUN - csx_amxx.dll v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
    [ 8] Ham Sandwich RUN - hamsandwich_amxx v1.8.1.3 pl1 ANY ANY
    8 plugins, 7 running
    2 pot tine un server de cs de la mine (din pc ) ?
    Cu Stima !
    • Streedance 7/31/15, 3:28 pm
      Dar un sfat ceva ?, macar ,. Mi-ar pica bine :/
      • CORNEL 7/31/15, 3:46 pm
        La HostGame.ro configurarea de baza este cea de la VALVE.
        Serverul nefiind hostat la noi nu avem cum sa te ajutam.
        • Streedance 7/31/15, 4:14 pm
          Daca fac rost de confing total ( adica iau hostul de la o firma si il instalez cu toate cele meta, amxmodx dropt) si il copiez la mine in pc asa ar merge ?
          Multumesc pentru toata rabdarea si bunatatea de a raspunde
          Cu Stima !
          • CORNEL 8/1/15, 8:11 am
            Sunt sanse mari sa mearga.
            Pe, net daca dai o cautare o sa gasesti tutoriale cum sa iti faci server CS 1.6 pe calculatorul personal.
            Nu se merita sa iti faci server pe calculatorul personal, intrucat cheltuielile indirecte cu uzura, plata curentului, a netului sunt mult mai mari, decat preturile de la hosturi de specialitate.
            Calitatea netului este mult mai mare la un host specializat care are serverele intr-un data center, protectia antiflood este mult mai buna, etc.
            Iti recomand hostul http://hostgame.ro/ te asteptam pe YM ID chostgame
            • Streedance 8/2/15, 11:17 am
              Va multumesc din suflet pentru toate , dar cuvintele nu sunt suficiente si de aceea o sa va multumesc si alt cumva , daca ma tineti minte baiatul cu problema de host care a luat teapa si v-am sunat pe dumneavoastra si m-ati luminat.
              Deci va multumesc din suflet , (am rezolvat problema , acum sunt pe cale sa achizitionez ip static ( fix ) ) !
    • CORNEL 7/31/15, 11:49 am
      1. Serverul nefiind hostat la noi nu avem cum sa te ajutam.
      2.Poti sa hostezi un server pe calculatorul personal, dar nu se merita, avand in vedere preturile de la hosturi, vezi si promotiile, comparativ cu ce calitate poti asigura, uzura calculatorului, consumul de curent.
  • t1by 3/22/14, 10:54 pm
    Multumesc foarte mult!
  • t1by 3/22/14, 10:49 am
    Nu imi merge nimik pe svr...nici plugin-urile nu se instaleaza...si cand ii pun numele cu care vreau eu sa apara la internet el are alt nume
    • alexvasiliu 4/22/14, 12:48 pm
      Am o intrebare.Daca eu am un sv gata facut, configura cu pluginuri etc, pot sa il hostez in siguranta fara sa mai primesc alt server?
      • CORNEL 4/22/14, 4:30 pm
        Pe host se poate urca serverul tau.
        Va recomandam sa urmati tutorialul:

    • t1by 3/22/14, 10:51 pm
      Multumesc foarte mult!
    • CORNEL 3/22/14, 7:36 pm
      Hostul nostru este pe linux, ai urcat pe host un server complet pe windows.
      Harta default nu este instalata:
      map change failed: 'zm_canabys' not found on server.
      Numele serverului se schimba din server.cfg
      Pentru probleme întâmpinate aveti functia tichete din gameCP.
      Va recomandam sa si aplicati tutorialele nu doar sa le cititi.
      Am facut noi corectiile necesare, serverul este on.
      • t1by 3/22/14, 10:53 pm
        Multumesc foarte mult!
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